Old Fashioned Education
Fifty Famous Stories Retold
James BaldwinTime-Honored Stories Intended as an introduction to famous stories from Western history and lore for young children. Famous stories such as King A...
View full detailsOur Island Story
H. E. MarshallA Child’s History of England Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall’s history of England starting from the time of the Roman Empire through World War I. The ...
View full detailsThis Country of Ours
H. E. MarshallThe Story of the United States Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall’s history of North America for children. Starting with the Viking exploration and brief...
View full detailsThe Age of Fable
Thomas BulfinchBulfinch’s Mythology The recounting of myths and stories from antiquity including the Greeks, Romans, and others. Written for a general audience, t...
View full detailsThe Men Who Found America
Frederick HutchinsonThe Age of Exploration An overview of the great explorers, leaders, and religious figures during the Age of Discovery in North America. Covering su...
View full detailsEuropean Hero Stories
Eva March TappanHeroes of Europe An overview of the Great Men and Women of Europe for young people. Starting with the fall of Rome and ending with Napoleon’s conqu...
View full detailsThe Oregon Trail
Francis ParkmanPrairie and Rocky-Mountain Life A first-person account of a 2-month summer tour of the U.S. states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, & Kansas in ...
View full detailsBulfinch's Mythology
Thomas BulfinchMythos Bulfinch originally published his work as three volumes: The Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes, published in 1855; The Age of Chiv...
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